Analiza i Egzystencja

ISSN: 1734-9923     eISSN: 2300-7621    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/aie.2017.38-05

Liste der Ausgaben / 38 (2017)
O zjawisku alienacji w perspektywie rozwoju teorii krytycznej. Feuerbach - Marks - szkoła frankfurcka

Autoren: Malwina Rolka ORCID
Uniwersytet Śląski
Schlüsselbegriffe: alienation egoism capitalism modernity dialectic
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2017
Seitenanzahl:20 (89-108)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


In my paper I undertake the issue of alienation, that appears at the same sources of modern thought and develops according to the growing consciousness of its conditions and consequences. The first articulation of the phenomenon of alienation we can find in the works of Jean Jacques Rousseau, but its conceptual expression was formulated in the philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The progress of discourse of alienation in the analyses of Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx and the members of Frankfurt School reveals its essence that depends on the elimination of the personal status of individual. The attempts of overcoming the phenomenon of alienation undertaken by mentioned thinkers leaves the problem unresolved, because of the distinctive feature of all these attempts is mediation the conceptions of human being in limited perspective (concerning individual as mere exemplar of species or as a passive result of an external conditions).


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