
Wyniki: Odnalezione rekordy: 3.
# Tytuł artykułu Numer wydania Rok wydania
1. Running Anaerobic Sprint Test, Lactate Minimum and Critical Velocity Protocol in Shuttle Futsal Testing
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 12, No. 4/2015 2015 Przejdź
2. Establishing Technical and Tactical Performance Goals for Elite Male Volleyball Players
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 21, No. 1/2018 2018 Przejdź
3. Evolution of reception efficacy and execution in women’s volleyball according to level of competition – a descriptive study aged from 14-year-old to adult professional players
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 27, No. 3/2019 2019 Przejdź