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4. | Bollas, Christopher. The Shadow of the Object: Psychoanalysis of the Unthought Known. New York: Columbia UP, 1987. |
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15. | Lawrence, Karen. Techniques for living : Fiction and Theory in the Work of Christine Brooke-Rose. Columbus: Ohio UP, 2010. |
16. | del Sapio Garbero, Maria. “A Conversation with Christine Brooke-Rose” [1991]. In Festschrift Volume One: Christine Brooke-Rose, Singapore: Verbivoracious Press, 2014. |
17. | Saunders, Max. “Autofiction, Autobiografiction, Autofabrication, and Heteronymity: Differentiating Versions of the Autobiographical,” Biography 2020, 43(4): 763–780, https://doi.org/10.1353/bio.2020.0078. |