Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Lista wydań / Vol. 43, No. 3/2023

Rok wydania:2023
Pobierz cały numer

Spis Treści / Artykuły / Rozdziały

# Tytuł Liczba stron Autorzy Akcje

Table of contents

(Spis treści)
3 (1-3) --- Więcej

F. Nachtegall And Gymnastics In Denmark: Ascertainment History In The Educational System

10 (5-14) Natalia Chukhlantseva Więcej

Student Attitudes 2015-2023 Towards the Use of Modern Technology to Measure their Own Physical Activity

9 (15-23) Jarosław Nadobnik Więcej

Design and Validation of a Tool to Collect Student-Athletes' Perception of Their Satisfaction

12 (25-36) Josè M. Palao, Bridget Jost, Janel Katzer, Megan Parietti Więcej

Acute Effects of Long Distance Running on Plantar Foot Pressure Distribution

7 (37-43) Srinivasa Rao Pachava, Neha Paruthi Więcej

Eight-Week Zumba Training for Women in the New Normal Period

7 (45-51) I Gede Dharma Utamayasa, Moh Hanafi, Yandika Fefrian Rosmi, Riga Mardhika, Suharti - Więcej

Practicing Sport in the Age Group 21-34 and the Risk of Breast Cancer - Analysis of the Results of a Retrospective Study

9 (53-61) Aleksandra Kładna, Tomasz Skołozdrzy, Jan Wojciechowski, Bartosz Tadaj, Martyna Kawka, Aleksandra Kellas Więcej

Assessment of Maximum Velocity: A Case Study of Pogon Szczecin Football Players in Polish Ekstraklasa

9 (63-71) Łukasz Rosiński, Anna Rzepiela-Podlecka, Rafał Buryta Więcej