Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2024.1-06
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Lista wydań / Vol. 45, No. 1/2024
Examination of the Pandemic Awareness Level and Approach to the Pandemic in Wrestlers

Autorzy: Sema Can ORCID
Hitit University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Çorum / TURKEY

Erkan Demirkan ORCID
Hitit University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Çorum / TURKEY

Mehmet İsmail Tosun
Hitit University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Çorum / TURKEY

Mustafa Arıcı ORCID
Hitit University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Çorum / TURKEY
Słowa kluczowe: athlete awareness coronavirus wrestling
Data publikacji całości:2024
Liczba stron:8 (75-82)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Study aim: Wrestling involves a high risk of transmission in terms of Covid-19 as it is performed using close one-to-one physical contact. This field research study examined wrestlers' approach to and awareness levels of the pandemic. Method: The study sample consists of 214 male wrestlers aged 19.15 ± 1.78 years who participated in the U-23 Turkish National Freestyle Wrestling Championship. The data was collected using a personal information form and the Pandemic Awareness Scale. The statistical analysis consisted of an independent sample t-test, descriptive statistics, and a One-Way ANOVA test for multi-group comparison. Results: Non-smokers and the wrestlers who complied with the precautions had statistically higher awareness score averages (p < 0.05). A statistically significant relationship between awareness scores and variables, including education level, being a national athlete, being diagnosed with Covid-19, losing a first-degree relative to Covid-19, having been vaccinated, and the number of vaccine doses (p > 0.05) was not found. Conclusion: The study findings indicate that the level of awareness of the pandemic is high among non-smokers and wrestlers who complied with the necessary precautions.
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