Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Lista wydań / Vol. 8, No. 4/2014

Rok wydania:2014

Spis Treści / Artykuły / Rozdziały

# Tytuł Liczba stron Autorzy Akcje

The Impact of Wingate and Progressive Tests on Homocysteine, Vitamin B6, B12 and Folic Acid Levels in Athletes' Blood

13 (5-17) Eugenia Murawska-Ciałowicz Więcej

Exercise Induced Muscle Damage May Be Improved by a Single Dose of Intra-Muscular Platlet Rich Plasma- A Pilot Study

8 (19-26) Ramazan Aydinoglu, Onur Orak, Nadir Ozkayin, Zekine Punduk Więcej

Exercise Training-Induced Changes in Inflammatory Mediators and Heat Shock Proteins in Canoeists

8 (27-34) Barbara Morawin, Joanna Orysiak, Mateusz Rynkiewicz, Tadeusz Rynkiewicz, Agnieszka Zembroń-Łacny Więcej

Assesment of Dietary Intake and Anthropometric Parametres Among Rugby Union Players

12 (35-46) Dorota Różańska, Justyna Stachura, Katarzyna Żyła Więcej

Influence of Selected Physical Exercises to Improve Outcomes in Patients Operated for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Own Material

5 (47-51) Anna Deskur, Zbigniew Deskur, Maciej Zawadzki Więcej

Total Energy Cost- Aerobic and Anaerobic, Exercise and Recovery- of Five Resistance Exercises

7 (53-59) Ann Knausenberger, Alex Luchini, Christopher B. Scott, Abigail Steitz Więcej

Short-Term Effects of Elastic Taping on Dancer's Postural Control Performance

12 (61-72) Thomas Heinen, Linda Hennig, Pia M. Vinken Więcej

Relations of Latent Anthropometric Dimentions to Succees in Judo Bout

9 (73-81) Ivan Segedi, Hrvoje Sertić Więcej

Physical Fitness of Students who Go in for Boxing in the Process of their Physical Training

4 (83-86) Viktor Nazymok, Volodymyr Tkachuk Więcej

The Influence of Sprint Block Start Elements on Initial Velocity of 100 Metre Race

10 (87-96) Robert Terczyński Więcej

Physical Activity and Lifestyle of the Elderly

10 (97-106) Alicja Drohomirecka, Katarzyna Kotarska, Maria Makris Więcej

Tourist Activity of Women Living in Polish Rural Areas

8 (107-114) Jerzy Eider, Elżbieta Sieńko-Awierianów Więcej

Leisure Time Animation in the Context of Rehabilitation of Juveniles in Youth Detention Centres/Correctional Facilities

8 (115-122) Przemysław Frąckowiak, Wioletta Łubkowska, Małgorzata Paczyńska-Jędrycka Więcej

Social and Political Aspects of Physical Culture in The Soviet Union in the Years 1917-1939

6 (123-128) Ryszard Stefanik Więcej