1. | [Anonymously], Address of the Count of Chambord to request that the representative of traditional monarchy return to France, beginning with the words: “Monseigneur, In the presence of current events”..., bmw, 1882. |
2. | A to M. Berryer, January 23, 1851. |
3. | A to M. de Belleval, February 6, 1853. |
4. | A to M. de Carayon, May 8, 1871. |
5. | A to Messieurs the deputies Berryer, Blin de Bourdon de Larcy, de la Rochejaquelein, and de Valmy, March 19, 1844. |
6. | A to Messieurs the members of the commission of Loire-Inferieure and Vendée, April 28, 1850. |
7. | A to Monsieur Benoist-d’Azy, November 16, 1849. |
8. | A to Monsieur de Fontaine, February 5, 1844. |
9. | A to Monsieur the Bishop of Arras, November 30, 1851. |
10. | A to Sir Georges Sinclair, January 12, 1855. |
11. | To Colonel d’Esclaibes, September 20, 1844. |
12. | To Count de Salvandy, March 17, 1851. |
13. | To Count Jules de Cosnac, September 4, 1844. |
14. | To Count Molé, December 26, 1850. |
15. | To Duke de Cars, March 26, 1849. |
16. | To Duke de Levis, June 16, 1856. |
17. | To Duke de Noailles, August 1848. |
18. | To Duke de Valmy, May 16, 1850. |
19. | To Marquis de Bausset, November 1, 1849. |
20. | To Marquis de Pastoret, October 18, 1846. |
21. | To Marquis de Dreux-Brézé, September 8, 1842. |
22. | To Viscount de Saint-Priest, January 22, 1848. |
23. | To the workers of Paris, August 25, 1849. |
24. | Bauquier H., Cavalier G., Numismatic History of Count de Chambord, Librairie ancienne Honoré Champion, Paris 1911. |
25. | Bernard G., A Bankruptcy of the ‘Res publica francia’. Henri, Count de Chambord, “Respublica Christiana” 2 (2009), pp. 77–84. |
26. | Blaze de Bury H., Count de Chambord. A Month in Venice, Imprimerie Dandey-Dupré, Paris 1850. |
27. | Boissonneau F., To Monseigneur the Count de Chambord, Imprimerie de la Guienne, Bordeaux 1875. |
28. | Castel G., Letter to Monseigneur the Count de Chambord, Imprimerie Théolier Frères, Saint-Etienne 1880. |
29. | Historical and Popular Song of Henry V, Duke of Bordeaux and Count de Chambord, Imprimerie de L. Prudhomme, Saint-Brieuc 1858. |
30. | Chaffanjon A. (ed.), Count de Chambord. Journal of Travel in the East 1861, Tallandier, Paris 1984. |
31. | Delorme P. (ed.), Henri Count de Chambord. Journal (1846–1883) – Unpublished Notebooks, F X DE GUIBERT, Paris 2009. |
32. | Desplanches S. (ed.), Henri Count de Chambord. Political Texts. Communication & Tradition, Paris 1995. |
33. | Fabry H., Simple Letter from a Republican to Count de Chambord, Imprimerie Laloux Fils et Guillot, Paris 1879. |
34. | Henry V Judged by Himself, Paris-Versailles 1871. |
35. | Henry V Painted by Himself 1842–1871, Typographie de Pierre Grollier, Montpellier 1871. |
36. | Jacquier B., Dauphinois Legitimism 1830–1870, Centre de recherche d’histoire économique, sociale et institutionnelle, Grenoble 1976. |
37. | The Life of Henry V (Count de Chambord) Told to Workers and Peasants (Propaganda Edition...) / by a Child of the People, Lagny 1875. |
38. | Letter from M. Count de Chambord and speech given by M. Berryer at the Legislative Assembly during the session of January 16, 1851, H. Simon-Dautreville, Paris 1851. |
39. | Letter from Monsieur Count de Chambord to Monsieur Chesnelong, explained by itself, November 21, 1873. |
40. | Letter from Monsieur Count de Chambord to Monsieur Count Albert de Mun, November 20, 1878. |
41. | Letter from Monsieur Count de Chambord, January 23, 1851. |
42. | Letter on the Agricultural Inquiry, March 1866. |
43. | The Manifestos of Count de Chambord (October 9, 1870, May 8 and July 5, 1871): followed by the assessments of the main newspapers in Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles, Paris 1871. My Ideas / by Count de Chambord, Paris 1872. |
44. | Nouvion G. de., Landrodie E., Count de Chambord (1820–1883), Librairie Furne/Jouvet & Cie Editeurs, Paris 1884. |
45. | Regnault É., A Christian Prince. Henri of France, Count de Chambord, Imprimerie Saint-Augustin, Lille 1885. |
46. | Saujeon J., Alarm Cry Against Atheists and Free Thinkers. Popular Brochure Dedicated to Monseigneur Count de Chambord, Imprimerie Alcide Samie, Bordeaux 1881. |