Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana

ISSN: 1731-0555     eISSN: 2353-2998    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Liste der Ausgaben / 1/2013
Czy św. Ambroży był słabym teologiem? Nowatorskie aspekty nauki o Trójcy Świętej w dziele De fide

Autoren: Wojciech Zimny
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Schlüsselbegriffe: Trinity church theologian bishop Doctor of the Church
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2013
Seitenanzahl:16 (141-156)


This article is about the Trinitarian theology of St. Ambrose of Milan concluded in De fi de, the most important and most complex bishop’s work of dogmatic. It focuses in particular on the innovative and original aspects of the theological thought of the Father of the Church. The fi rst point is given status quaestionis of Ambrosian theology. In the past, used to be attributed to Ambrose opinion good “politics” church, but poor theologian. More recent studies show one-sidedness of this opinion. In the second section are therefore discussed the aspects of Trinitarian theology Doctor of the Church, which show the specifi city and originality of his theological refl ection. They include: a new understanding of the role of the Emperor in matters of religion; relationship between faith and ecclesial interpretation of Scripture, the new interpretation of the term homoousios used by the Council of Nice, a development theme of unity of the Trinity by reference to the unity of the nature and operation of divine Persons, and not only in based on the idea arché, deepening the understanding of the mystery of the Incarnation; Christ as the center of Ambrosian spirituality, and fi nally, the relationship between faith in the Holy Trinity and the unity of the Church. In light of these issues emerges own and original theological “personality” of Bishop of Milan, and in this way it becomes possible to more comprehensive assessment of and appreciation for his contribution to the refl ection of the Trinity.
