European Journal of Service Management

Vorher: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Service Management

ISSN: 2450-8535     eISSN: 2353-2858    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/ejsm.2016.17/1-05
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 17, 1/2016
The hotel investment market in Poland

Autoren: Krzysztof Łopaciński
Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Schlüsselbegriffe: Hotel investment development of accommodation facilities hotel construction tourist traffic
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2016
Seitenanzahl:9 (33-41)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The author of the article aimed to present changes in the hotel market in Poland in 2001–2014 and investment processes in the sector of accommodation services. The article describes both the development of accommodation facilities in Poland in 2001–2014 as well as the level and structure of tourist traffic in such facilities. It also discusses the results of hotel construction and provides basic information on hotel investments in Poland as well as the main indicators characterising the investment process in the hotel sector. The main source of market information were data collected by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) and published on an annual basis in Turystyka/Tourism and Budownictwo – wyniki działalności (‘Construction – economic performance’). The article also draws on unpublished statistics in the possession of the Institute of Tourism, the Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, on data from the Eurostat databases and from selected international publications by consultancy firms.



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