Autoren: |
University of Ljubljana Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Elen Twrdy Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Bośtjan Zlak University of Ljubljana Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Maja Stojaković University of Ljubljana Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport |
Schlüsselbegriffe: | żegluga promowa region adriatycko-joński terminale promowe |
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe: | 2016 |
Seitenanzahl: | 14 (39-52) |
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11. | InterFerry (2016). Ferry industry facts. Available at: ferry-industry-facts/ (30.05.2016). |
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14. | Martino, A., Brambilla, M. (2016). Research for TRAN Committee ‒ The EU Maritime Transport System: Focus on Ferries. European Union. Brussels: Directorate General for Internal Policies. |
15. | MED-IAMER (2014). Adriatic Ionian ecoregion (AIE): Maritime transport. Med Maritime Integrated Projects. Available at: files/AIo_Transport_factsheet_160115.pdf (15.02.2016). |
16. | Pettenati, P., Simonella, I. (2010). The maritime traffic in the adriatic sea: Past development and future prospects. Ancona. |
17. | Rodrigue, J.-P., Comtois, C., Slack, B. (2013). The geography of transport systems. New York: Routledge. |
18. | Sea Distances (2014). Port distances. Available at: (10.2014). |
19. | SeaRates (2005). Distance map. Available at: (12.2014). |
20. | Wergeland, T. (2012). Ferry passenger markets. In W.K. Talley (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics (pp. 161‒183). Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |