Autoren: |
University of Defence, Faculty of Military Technology, Department of Mathematics and Physics Olga Becherova University of Defence, Faculty of Military Leadership, Department of Emergency Management |
Schlüsselbegriffe: | ryzyko związane z transportem niebezpiecznych substancji transport substancji niebezpiecznych kolej wypadek segmenty ryzyka |
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe: | 2016 |
Seitenanzahl: | 9 (15-23) |
Klasyfikacja JEL: | L92 |
1. | Act no. 266/1994 Coll. on railway, (in Czech: Zákon č. 266/1994 Sb., o dráhách). |
2. | Czech Railwais Cargo. (2016). ČD Cargo, a.s. Available at: |
3. | European Best Practices Guidelines on Cargo Securing for Road Transport: available online from:, 2014. |
4. | European Commission. (2011). White Paper. Available online at: |
5. | Internal materials of ČD Cargo (Czech Railwais Cargo). |
6. | Melkes, V., Mika, O. (2005). Prevence závažných průmyslových havárií. Brno, p. 121. |
7. | Oggero, A., Darbra, R.M., Munoz, M., Planas, E. and J., Casal, A. (2006). Survey of accidents occurring during the transport of hazardous substances by road and rail. J Hazard Mater. |
8. | Special Report. (2016). Rail freight transport in the EU: still not on the right track. Available online at: |
9. | Šovčíková, Ľ. (2005). Závažné priemyselné havárie a ich následky, Žilina, p. 117. |