Rocznik Komparatystyczny

ISSN: 2081-8718     eISSN: 2353-2831    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   ERIH PLUS

Liste der Ausgaben / 5 (2014)
Übersetzung und Rückübersetzung – eine Neubestimmung im Kultur-Code

Autoren: Maria Krysztofiak
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Schlüsselbegriffe: comparative literature translation studies culture code Peer Hultberg Janusz Głowacki
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2014
Seitenanzahl:14 (49-62)


The article proposes a revaluation of the category of “Translation” and “Retranslation” from the perspective of the translatological culture code. On the basis of Præludier, a novel about Frédéric Chopin written by Peer Hultberg, the author illustrates why and how the process of translating cultural phenomena can be coded by a writer at different levels of the original language. The target text, a traditional translation, becomes in such a case an aesthetic Retranslation. The other example presents different ways in which the translation process is no longer coded at the level of language, but a universal myth, which is adapted to the consciousness and mentality of the recipients, such as those of a play “Antigone in New York”, written by Janusz Głowacki. In this case, the category of traditional translation is scarcely based on the original language of the text. The play itself is a translation of the Antigone myth and the following language versions illustrate a Retranslation at the level of the myth’s transcultural appeal.
