Studia Administracyjne

Vorher: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Studia Administracyjne

ISSN: 2080-5209     eISSN: 2353-284X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sa.2021.14-03
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Liste der Ausgaben / 2(14)|2021
The Principle of Non-refoulment within the Deportation Procedure, Admission to the Country, Right to Life and the Freedom of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment According to the Turkish Legislation on Temporary Protection Regime

Autoren: Joanna Kuruçaylıoğlu ORCID
Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Department of Private International Law, Turkey
Schlüsselbegriffe: non-refoulement right to life freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment temporary protection
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2021
Seitenanzahl:14 (31-44)
Klasyfikacja JEL: K37
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:
Anzahl der Downloads ?: 504


This article elaborates on the non-refoulement principle regarding deportation procedure, security, and entry to the country (Turkey) under the 2014 Temporary Protection Regulation, and the 2013 Law on Foreigners and International Protection. According to the document presented by the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner “(…) the principle of non-refoulement guarantees that no one should be returned to a country where they would face torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment and other irreparable harm. This principle applies to all migrants at all times, irrespective of migration status”.1 The rights of refugees and asylum seekers in mass influx situations are recognized by UNHCR Executive Committee resolutions and general international law.2 Thus, it is necessary to analyze the non-refoulement rule as inseparable part of globally accepted principles: the right to life and the freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The article describes the development and violations of the said rule, focusing on the pertinent current Turkish legislation.



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2.Çiftçioğlu C.T., Yaşam Hakkı, TBB Newspaper 2012, No. 103.
3.Ekşi N., Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu (Tasarısı), İstanbul 2012.
4.Ergül E., Bireysel Başvuru ve Uygulaması, Ankara 2012.
5.Öztürk N., Mültecinin Hukuki Statüsünün Belirlenmesi, Seçkin Yayınları 2015.
6.Tanrıkulu M.S., IHAM Kararlarında ve Türk Hukukunda Yaşama Hakkı, TBB Newspaper 2006, No. 66.