Authors: |
Crescent International School, Bario, Govindpur, Dhanbad 828109, Jharkhand, India Mandar Nanajkar CSIR, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa-403004, India |
Keywords: | Rhombognathus halacarid mite Goa |
Whole issue publication date: | 2019 |
Page range: | 6 (127-132) |
1. | Abé, H., Etemadi, I. (2014). Two rhombognathine mites (Acari: Halacaridae) from the Gulf of Oman, Iran. Persian Journal of Acarology, 3 |
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3. | Bartsch, I. (2006). A new species and new record of Rhombognathus from Singapore (Acari: Halacaridae). Zootaxa, 1120, 41–49. |
4. | Bartsch, I. (1999). Halacaridae (Acari) from Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Mites on fronds of the seagrass Amphibolis. In: D.I. |
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7. | Bartsch, I. (2000). Rhombognathinae (Acari: Halacaridae) from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, |
8. | 45, 165–203. |
9. | Bartsch, I. (2003). Rhombognathine mites (Halacaridae: Acari) from Dampier, Western Australia: taxonomy and biogeography. In: F.E. |
10. | Wells, D.I. Walker, D.S. Jones (eds.), The Marine Flora and Fauna of Dampier, Western Australia (pp. 255–280). Perth: Western |
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12. | Bartsch, I. (1993). Rhombognathine mites (Halacaridae, Acari) from Rottnest Island, Western Australia. In: F.E. Wells, D.I. Walker, D.S. |
13. | Jones, H. Kirkman, R. Lethbridge (eds.), The Marine Flora and Fauna of Rottnest Island, Western Australia (pp. 19–43). Perth: Western |
14. | Bartsch, I. (2009). Rhombognathus (Halacaridae: Rhombognathinae) from Mauritius, new records from the western Indian Ocean. |
15. | Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 106, 27–38. |
16. | Bartsch, I. (1983). Zur Halacaridenfauna der Philippinen Beschreibung von fünf Arten der Gattung Rhom-bognathus (Acari, Halacaridae). |
17. | Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 7, 399–416. |
18. | Bartsch, I., Chatterjee, T. (2001). A new species of the Agauopsis brevipalpus group from India (Acari, Hal-acaridae). Entomologische |
19. | Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 13 (164), 32–327. |
20. | Chatterjee, T. (1996). Ciliate infestation on phytal Halacaridae (Acari) from the Kovalam beach (Kerala coast). Journal of the Bombay |
21. | Natural History Society, 93, 107–108. |
22. | Chatterjee, T. (2018). New record of Copidognathus andhraensis (Acari, Halacaridae) from the west coast of India, Arabian Sea. Acta |
23. | Biologica, 25, 123–129. |
24. | Chatterjee, T. (1995). Record of three species of Rhombognathus (Halacaridae: Acari) from Indian Ocean region. Journal of the Bombay |
25. | Natural History Society, 92, 282–286. |
26. | Chatterjee, T. (2015). Scanning electron microscopic observations of Copidognathus balakrishnani Chatterjee (Acari: Halacaridae) with |
27. | notes on species of the Copidognathus balakrishnani group. Acta Biologica, 22, 213–222. |
28. | Chatterjee, T. (2000). Two new species of Copidognathus (Halacaridae: Acari) from Kerala. Journal of the Bombay Natural History |
29. | Society, 97 (2), 235–239. |
30. | Chatterjee, T., Chang, C.Y. (2004). Two new Copidognathus halacarids (Acari: Halacaridae) from Mubai coast of India (the Arabian Sea). |
31. | Italian Journal of Zoology, 71, 265–269. |
32. | Chatterjee, T., De Troch, M. (2000). Halacaridae (Acari) from Gazi Bay (Kenya): description and biogeog-raphy of three new and two |
33. | known species. Hydrobiologia, 427, 177–194. |
34. | Chatterjee, T., Guru, B.C. (2011a). Scanning electron microscopic observations of Agauopsis arabia Bartsch & Chatterjee (Acari, |
35. | Halacaridae) with notes on the distribution of Agauopsis in the Indian Ocean. Natura Montenegrina, 10 (4), 415–423. |
36. | Chatterjee, T., Guru, B.C. (2011b). Scanning electron microscopic observation of Copidognathus arabicus Chatterjee & Chang (Acari, |
37. | Halacaridae) and notes on the distribution of the Copidognathus bairdi group sensu lato in the Indian Ocean. Natura Montenegrina, 10 |
38. | (4), 425–434. |
39. | Chatterjee,T., Sarma, A.L.N. (1993). Occurrence of Copidognathus sideus Bartsch 1982 (Halacaridae: Acari) from Indian coast. Journal |
40. | of the Bombay Natural History Society, 90 (2), 304–308. |
41. | Chatterjee, T., Marshall, D.J., Guru, B.C., Ingole, B, Pesic, V. (2012). A new species of the genus Acaro-thrix (Acari, Halacaridae) from |
42. | Brunei Darussalam and India. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 53 (4), 541–546. |
43. | Chatterjee, T., Guru, B.C., Sorensen, M.V. (2013). Report of Acarothrix palustris Bartsch (Acari: Halacari-dae) from the Indian Ocean, |
44. | Acta Biologica, 20, 17–26. |
45. | Sarma, A.L.N., Chatterjee, T. (1993). Occurrence of Arhodeoporus bonairensis (Viets, 1936) from Indian Ocean with zoogeographical |
46. | remarks on genus Arhodeoporus Newell. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 90 (3), 417–422. |
47. | Smit, H. (2011). New species of water mites from New Guinea (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Halacaridae). Acaro-logia, 51 (3), 321–345. |