Authors: |
![]() Sabyasachi Sautya ![]() Laboratory for Benthic Ecological Trait Analysis (L-BETA), Biological Oceanography Division, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre Igor Dovgal ![]() A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS Sunil Kumar Padhi ![]() Laboratory for Benthic Ecological Trait Analysis (L-BETA), Biological Oceanography Division, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre |
Keywords: | epibiosis suctorian ciliate Lecanophryella indica harpacticoid host Mumbai |
Whole issue publication date: | 2021 |
Page range: | 6 (61-66) |
1. | Chatterjee, T. (1996). Ciliate infestation on the phytal Halacaridae (Acari) from the Kovalam beach, Kerala. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 93, 107–108. |
2. | Chatterjee, T., Fernandez-Leborans, G., Ramteke, D., Ingole, B. (2013). New records of epibiont ciliates (Ciliophora) from Indian coast with descriptions of six new species. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 54, 143–159. |
3. | Chatterjee, T., Nanajkar, M., Dovgal, I. (2019a). New record of Loricophrya stresemanni (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibiont on nematodes from the Indian Ocean and notes on the genus Loricophrya. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 60, 283–288. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4612.4.2. |
4. | Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Nanajkar, M., Bogati, K. (2019b). Note on the genus Lecanophryella (Ciliophora: Suctorea) with description of a new species from west coast of India. Zootaxa, 4612 (4), 494–500. |
5. | Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Nanajkar, M. (2020a). Report of ciliate epibionts (Ciliophora, Suctorea) on meiobenthic invertebrates from the Indian coast near Karwar, Karnataka. Protistology, 14 (2), 84–88. |
6. | Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Nanajkar, M. (2020b). New records of epibiont ciliates Thecacineta urceolata and Acinetides gruberi (Ciliophora: Suctorea) from the Indian coast. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 61 (3), 355–360. DOI: 10.21411/CBM.A.B713B863. |
7. | Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Nanajkar, M. (2020c). A new species of the genus Corynophrya (Ciliophora: Suctorea) from the west coast of India, Arabian Sea. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 61 (4), 423–428. DOI: 10.21411/CBM.A.BE53B2AD. |
8. | Chatterjee, T., Dovgal, I., Vieira, L.M., Dutta, A., Nanajkar, M. (2020d). Report of ciliate-bryozoan-crustacean hyperepibiosis on crab (Decapoda: Brachyura) from west coast of India, Arabian Sea. Zootaxa, 4890 (3), 347–360. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4890.3.3. |
9. | Dovgal, I.V. (2002). Evolution, phylogeny and classification of Suctorea (Ciliophora). Protistology, 2, 194– 270. |
10. | Dovgal, I.V. (2013). Ciliates – Ciliophora. Issue 1: Class Suctorea. In: Fauna of Ukraine vol. 36. Naukova dumka: Kiev, 267 pp. [In Russian with English summary]. |
11. | Dovgal, I., Chatterjee ,T., Ingole, B. (2008). An overview of suctorian ciliates (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts of halacarid mites (Acari: Halacaridae). Zootaxa, 1810, 60–68. |
12. | Dovgal, I., Chatterjee, T., Ingole, B. (2009). New records of Thecacineta cothurnoides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from Indian Ocean. Protistology, 6, 9–23. |
13. | Padmakumar, K.B., Lathika, C.T., Anilkumar, V., Sanjeevan, V.N. (2015). Occurrence of Epibiontic suctorian protozoans on marine ostracod Cypridina dentata (Müller, 1906) in the North Eastern Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 44 (6), 874–878. |
14. | Santhakumari, V. (1985). Epizoic and ectoparasitic protozoans from planktonic copepods of the south west and south east coasts of India with the description of a new species. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 27, 29–38. |
15. | Santhakumari, V. (1986). Two new species of the suctorians, Acineta satyanandani sp. nov. and Paracineta karunakarani sp. nov. epizoic on ostracodes. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33, 471–475. |