Autorzy: |
![]() University of Szczecin, Department of Chemistry and Natural Waters Management, Institute for Research on Biodiversity, Faculty of Biology Aleksandra Drozdowska University of Szczecin, Student science club of research and protection of natural water ecosystems in the city of Szczecin, Faculty of Biology Andrzej Zawal ![]() University of Szczecin, Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology, Institute for Research on Biodiversity, Faculty of Biology Gorzysław Poleszczuk University of Szczecin, Department of Chemistry and Natural Waters Management, Institute for Research on Biodiversity, Faculty of Biology |
Słowa kluczowe: | jakość wody jezioro miejskie analiza skupień analiza czynnikowa |
Data publikacji całości: | 2017 |
Liczba stron: | 16 (57-72) |
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