# | Artikelüberschrift | Ausgabennummer | Erscheinungsjahr | |
1. |
Celebrating school remembrance days “rebooted”
(Acta Politica Polonica) |
2/2020 (50) | 2020 | Anmeldung |
2. |
Kurze Geschichte der deutschsprachigen PrimarschullehrerInnenbildung in Ungarn
(Acta Politica Polonica) |
2/2020 (50) | 2020 | Anmeldung |
3. |
Der Volkskundeunterricht in den Schulen der ungarndeutschen Minderheit. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Forschung
(Acta Politica Polonica) |
1/2021 (51) | 2021 | Anmeldung |
4. |
Relative Age Effect: A Systematic Discrimination against Biologically Younger Athletes
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 35, No. 3/2021 | 2021 | Anmeldung |
5. |
The Impact of Implicit and Explicit Training Methods on the Acquisition of Perceptual Expertise in Young Athletes
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 35, No. 3/2021 | 2021 | Anmeldung |
6. |
Press Up Exercises as an Alternative to Conventional Therapy of Radicular Symptoms in Patients with Low Back Pain
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 42, No. 2/2023 | 2023 | Anmeldung |
7. |
Assessment of Change of Direction and Agility. Running and Dribbling among Soccer, Basketball and Handball Players: The Concept of “Agility deficit”
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 44, No. 4/2023 | 2023 | Anmeldung |