
Result: Found records: 8.
# Article title Issue no. Year
1. Innovative Local Community Partnership and Sustainable Urban Tourism – The Old Town In Warsaw
(Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki)
nr 3 (31) 2015 2015 Go to
2. The Sustainable Management of Tourism as Part of the Innovative Region Management. Based on the Europan Tourism Indicators System for Sustainable Destinations
(Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki)
nr 4 (32) 2015 2015 Go to
3. Geoturystyka – nowe możliwości wykorzystania dziedzictwa ziemi w turystyce. Studium przypadku Krainy Wygasłych Wulkanów W Sudetach Zachodnich
(Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki)
nr 1 (33) 2016 2016 Go to
4. Integration in Tourism Distribution Channels and Bargain Power Of Tour Operators Over Accommodation Establishments: TUI and Thomas Cook Cases
(Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki)
nr 4 (36) 2016 2016 Go to
5. Planning Short-Stay ‘Weekend Breaks’ Based on the Cultural, Natural And Social Resources of the Small Town
(Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki)
nr 4 (36) 2016 2016 Go to
6. Partnerstwo niemieckich parków narodowych
(Studia i Prace WNEiZ US)
nr 47/2 2017 2017 Go to
7. Sustainable development goals: a business opportunity for tourism companies?
(Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki)
nr 3 (43) 2018 2018 Go to
8. The role of local communities in sustainable tourism development - Noteć River Valley case study
(Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki)
nr 4 (44) 2018 2018 Go to