# | Article title | Issue no. | Year | |
1. |
Criteria of Athlete Neuromuscular System Reserve Capacities during Performance of Speed-Strength Work
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 6, No. 2/2014 | 2014 | Go to |
2. |
Influence of Vestibular Irritation on Stabilometric Indicators of Statokinetic Stability of Football Players
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 9, No. 1/2015 | 2015 | Go to |
3. |
Evaluation of pain in athletes – selected methods
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 3, No. 3/2013 | 2013 | Go to |
4. |
Motives for Commencing Studies and Expectations Concerning Professional Competence in Students who Practice, Used to Practice or Have Never Practiced Sports
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 13, No. 1/2016 | 2016 | Go to |
5. |
Influence of Selenium on Oxidative Stress in Athletes. Review Article.
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 14, No. 2/2016 | 2016 | Go to |
6. |
Pro-health Behaviours in Time Budget of Ex-cyclists
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 25, No. 1/2019 | 2019 | Go to |
7. |
Students of the University of Szczecin as Candidates for the Olympic or Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 26, No. 2/2019 | 2019 | Go to |
8. |
Self-esteem of people who practice sport in relation to their experiencing the flow state and their style of coping with stress
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 27, No. 3/2019 | 2019 | Go to |
9. |
Tokyo 2020. Olimpic and Paralympic qualifications of students, graduates and employees of the University of Szczecin
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 32, No. 4/2020 | 2020 | Go to |
10. |
Gender Inequality and Female Sports Participation in Turkey
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 33, No. 1/2021 | 2021 | Go to |
11. |
Knowledge, Awareness and Impact of Coronavirus Disease Lockdown on Training, Fitness and Personal Parameters: A Survey of Nigerian Athletes
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 34, No. 2/2021 | 2021 | Go to |
12. |
Students and Graduates of the University of Szczecin at the 32nd Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 35, No. 3/2021 | 2021 | Go to |
13. |
A Pilot Study on Italian Eventing Prospective Olympic Horse Riders Physiological, Anthropometrical, Functional and Asymmetry Assessment
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 37, No. 1/2022 | 2022 | Go to |
14. |
Nutritional strategies of young, physically active residents of Wrocław
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 40, No. 4/2022 | 2022 | Go to |
15. |
Validation and Implementation of General and Sport Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for University Students and Athletes
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 40, No. 4/2022 | 2022 | Go to |
16. |
Energy Drink Consumption among Physically Active Persons in Lebanon: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 42, No. 2/2023 | 2023 | Go to |
17. |
Core Strength as a Paramount Contributor for Potential Upper Limb Isometric Strength - A Correlational Study
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 42, No. 2/2023 | 2023 | Go to |
18. |
Immediate Effects of Kinesio-taping and Joint Mobilisation on Shoulder in Over-head Athletes with Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 42, No. 2/2023 | 2023 | Go to |
19. |
Ferritin Level Analysis to Identify Iron Deficiency in Qualified Athletes
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 47, No. 3/2024 | 2024 | Go to |
20. |
The Sports Act vis-a-vis integration of athletes with disabilities
(Acta Iuris Stetinensis) |
2/2024 (48) | 2024 | Go to |
21. |
Kinematic Differences in the Roundhouse Kick among University Taekwondo Players: Brief Report
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 46, No. 2/2024 | 2024 | Go to |
22. |
Leukocyte populations detection in young athletes in resting phase based on scatter properties using a Flow Cytometric approach
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 47, No. 3/2024 | 2024 | Go to |