# | Article title | Issue no. | Year | |
1. |
The lifting of “pontifical secrecy” and the relationship between the state and Church systems of justice in the subject matter of sex offences against minors
(Acta Iuris Stetinensis) |
1/2020 (29) | 2020 | Go to |
2. |
Relation between the injured party being under the influence of alcohol and the liability of the perpetrator due to the crimes under Article 197 of the Polish Criminal Code and Article 198 of the Polish Criminal Code
(Acta Iuris Stetinensis) |
2/2020 (30) | 2020 | Go to |
3. |
Przestępstwa seksualne wobec małoletnich w świetle znowelizowanej księgi VI Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego
(Studia Paradyskie) |
33/2023 | 2023 | Go to |
4. |
The Crime of Sexual Exploitation of “Vulnerable Persons” Under the Current Provisions of Canon Law
(Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana) |
39/2023 | 2023 | Go to |