# | Article title | Issue no. | Year | |
1. |
Risk taking propensity among people involved in various forms of winter recreation on the example of skiing
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 2, No. 2/2013 | 2013 | Go to |
2. |
A subjective Assessment of Accident Risk in Downhill Skiing by Beginner Skiers and Ski Instructors
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 13, No. 1/2016 | 2016 | Go to |
3. |
Perception of Success among People Practising Martial Arts and Combat Sports
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine) |
Vol. 21, No. 1/2018 | 2018 | Go to |
4. |
"Dos lid fun ojsgehargetn jidiszn folk" Jicchoka Kacenelsona jako forma autobiografii poety i narodu
(Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media) |
nr 1 (8) 2017 | 2017 | Go to |
5. |
Zur Rezeption jiddischer Literatur nach dem 2. Weltkrieg am Beispiel von "Dos lid fun oysgehargetn yidishn folk" von Yitskhok Katsenelson
(Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia) |
nr 28 | 2019 | Go to |