
Result: Found records: 5.
# Article title Issue no. Year
1. Risk taking propensity among people involved in various forms of winter recreation on the example of skiing
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 2, No. 2/2013 2013 Go to
2. A subjective Assessment of Accident Risk in Downhill Skiing by Beginner Skiers and Ski Instructors
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 13, No. 1/2016 2016 Go to
3. Perception of Success among People Practising Martial Arts and Combat Sports
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 21, No. 1/2018 2018 Go to
4. "Dos lid fun ojsgehargetn jidiszn folk" Jicchoka Kacenelsona jako forma autobiografii poety i narodu
(Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media)
nr 1 (8) 2017 2017 Go to
5. Zur Rezeption jiddischer Literatur nach dem 2. Weltkrieg am Beispiel von "Dos lid fun oysgehargetn yidishn folk" von Yitskhok Katsenelson
(Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia)
nr 28 2019 Go to