
Wyniki: Odnalezione rekordy: 3.
# Tytuł artykułu Numer wydania Rok wydania
1. Bulletin of the Maritime and Colonial League of May 1939 (from the collection of the State Archives of Іvano-Frankіvsk Oblast)
(Studia Maritima)
Vol. 34 2021 2021 Przejdź
2. The Maritime League. A study of the dissolution of a social institution
(Studia Maritima)
Vol. 34 2021 2021 Przejdź
3. A Ship Emerges in the Distance... People Stand and Applaud. The (Un)obvious Contexts of the Wrocław Sea Festival Celebrations in June 1945
(Studia Maritima)
Vol. 37 2024 2024 Przejdź