Autoren: |
Department of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Poland Józef Bergier Department of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Poland Karel Frömel Palacky University in Olomunec, Czech Republic Ján Junger University of Presov in Presov, Slovakia Ewelina Niźnikowska Department of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Poland Ács Pongrác University of Pecs, Hungary Adam Szepeluk Innovation Research Centre, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Poland |
Schlüsselbegriffe: | IPAQ physical activity place of residence students |
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe: | 2016 |
Seitenanzahl: | 10 (123-132) |
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