Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ


The Scientific Board provides valuable guidance regrading current research trends, analyzes the quality of submitted papers and settles contentious issues (for example those related to the reviews).


Elena Bendíková (Slovakia) Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica

Sıdıka Bulduk (Turkey) Gazi University

Krystyna Cieślik (Poland) Jan Amos Komeński University of Applied Sciences in Leszno

Wojciech Czarny (Poland) Rzeszów University

Qamil Dika (Tirana Medical University, Albania)

Jerzy Eider (Poland) Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin (former Scientific Editor)

Jeremy Erdmann (USA) Athletic Training Faculty, Murray State University

Ricardo Fernandes (Portugal) Faculty of Sport, University of Porto

Karol Görner (Slovakia) Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica

Nijole Jascaniene (Lithuania) Vilnius Pedagogical University, Vilnius

Ján Junger (Slovakia) Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Michale Kalinski (USA) Exercise Science Faculty, Murray State Univeristy, Murray

Joanna Kruk (Poland) Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin

Paweł Król (Poland) Rzeszów University

Mehmet Kutlu (Turkey) University of Hitit, Corum City

Jourkesh Morteza (Iran) Islamic Azad University

Anna Lubkowska (Poland) Pomeranian Medical University

Wiesław Osiński (Poland) Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Rehabilitation, Poznań University of Physical Education

Volcan Özcan (Turkey) Artvin Coruh University

Michael Posthumus (RPA) Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town

Patrizia Proia (Italy) Palermo University 

Marek Sawczuk (Poland) Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin

Jerzy Sieńko (Poland) Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin

Wołodymyr Tkaczuk (Ukraine) National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

Alexey Tymoshenko (Ukraine) National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev

Renata Urban (Poland) Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin

Teresa Zwierko (Poland) Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin




Scientific Editor 2021- present: Monika Chudecka (Poland) University of Szczecin, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences. ORCID 0000-0003-0657-0293 

The Vice-Director of the Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, University of Szczecin, Poland. Her main research areas are: morphological conditions of the athletes practicing competitive sports; the use of thermal imaging methods to assess the distribution, scope, and dynamics of changes in body surface temperature in people in various physiological states and with selected metabolic disorders; the impact of hypermobility and pain threshold on the incidence of injuries in people undertaking physical activity. Author and co-author of over 50 original scientific articles resulting from research related to the above-mentioned areas.Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Thermal Imaging in Body and Skin Temperature Changes Evaluation"  IJERPH MDPI.

Interests: thermoregulation; sports anthropology; physical activity; somatic features and body composition.


Scientific Editor 2013-2021: Jerzy Eider (Poland) University of Szczecin, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences

Professor Jerzy Eider deals with the issues concerning the theory and practice of sport and the Olympic movement. His research interests include primarily the somatic and motor development of people of all ages and the issue of their healthy lifestyle, as well as the historical aspects of physical culture, with particular emphasis on the West Pomeranian Region (Poland). As a Scientific Editor Jerzy Eider controls the correctness of the publishing process, takes all the final decisions in case of any contentious issues, manages our team of Topic Editors and ensures that good editorial practices are implemented.


Monika Chudecka (Poland) University of Szczecin, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, Poland - anthropology, anatomy, sports, physiology
Jarosław Nadobnik (Poland) University of Szczecin, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, Poland – tourism and recreation, modern technologies, sports
Ewa Kruszyńska (Poland) University of Szczecin, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, Poland- tourism and recreation, sports, tourism and recreation
Elżbieta Sieńko-Awierianów (Poland) University of Szczecin, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, Poland - tourism and recreation, public health, sports, anatomy
Marta Stępień-Słodkowska (Poland) University of Szczecin, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, Poland - genetics, public health, health promotion, tourism and recreation


Joanna Szwak


Joanna Szwak


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