Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2021.4-03
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 36, No. 4/2021
Possibilities of using outpatient physiotherapy in the process of rehabilitation of people with degenerative disc disease in the lumbosacral spine

Autoren: Bartosz Bolach ORCID
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Paralympic Sports, Academy of Physical Education in Wroclaw

Jagoda Walowska ORCID
RB Dr Jagoda Walowska, Wroclaw

Paulina Chabraszewska
Institute of Physiotherapy, University of Physiotherapy in Wroclaw

Karina Ryterska ORCID
Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

Eugeniusz Bolach ORCID
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Paralympic Sports, Academy of Physical Education in Wroclaw
Schlüsselbegriffe: intervertebral disc fibrous annulus nucleus pulposus spine
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2021
Seitenanzahl:10 (27-36)
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Degenerative disc disease (DDD) in the lumbosacral spine is one of the most common causes of pain and the significant associated limitations in physical activity and daily functioning, with the vast majority of patients requiring long-term physiotherapy. Hence, the significance of proper diagnostics, locating the cause of the ailment, implementation of appropriate therapy and prevention. The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of outpatient physiotherapy on reducing pain and improving the function of the lumbosacral spine. The research group comprised 95 people (50 women and 45 men) with an average age of 53 years, all patients with DDD in the lumbosacral spine. They underwent 3 physical treatments: magnetotherapy, laser therapy, and systemic cryotherapy, as well as gymnastic exercises, aimed at improving physical fitness, and strengthening the muscular corset. The research methods included the Schober test, the Thomayer test (finger-ground test), the Visual Analogue Scale scale, Laitinen's pain questionnaire, and calculation of BMI. Physiotherapeutic treatments significantly reduced the patients' pain symptoms, significantly increased the range of motion in the lumbosacral spine and improved physical fitness. Better results of the therapy were observed in patients with lower BMI.



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