Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2024.1-07
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 45, No. 1/2024
The Effects of Small-Sided Games on Fitness Components and Technical Abilities among Youth Soccer Players

Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia

Mohd Faridz Ahmad ORCID
Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia; Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Perlis, Kampus Arau, Perlis, Malaysia

Jeffrey Fook Lee Low
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Schlüsselbegriffe: small-sided games (SSG) fitness components technical abilities youth soccer players
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2024
Seitenanzahl:11 (83-93)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Small-sided games (SSG) is one of the increasingly popular training method in developing fitness components and technical abilities among soccer players. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of SSG training towards player’s fitness components and technical abilities after six weeks of training program among youth soccer players. Sixty youth soccer players (M = 19.98 years of age; SD = 0.97) were recruited in this study and were divided into SSG intervention group (IG, N = 30) and control group (CG, N = 30). Agility, speed, cardiovascular endurance, passing and dribbling tests were conducted pre- and post- six weeks of training. Results showed that there was a statistically significant difference on speed, passing, dribbling and VO2max in the post-test among the IG group. When compared to CG, IG were shown to perform better at speed, dribbling and VO2max as it showed a significant difference between groups. As a conclusion, SSG training method can improve speed, passing, dribbling and VO2max. Therefore, this study recommends SSG training to be apply towards youth soccer players.



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