Autoren: |
![]() University of Rzeszów,Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, College of Medical Sciences Adam Kozubal ![]() University of Rzeszów,Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, College of Medical Sciences Paweł Ostrowski ![]() University of Rzeszów,Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, College of Medical Sciences Zbigniew Trębacz University of Rzeszów,Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, College of Medical Sciences Waldemar Tłuczek University of Rzeszów,Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, College of Medical Sciences Łukasz Chlastawa University of Rzeszów,Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, College of Medical Sciences Sławomir Drozd ![]() University of Rzeszów,Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, College of Medical Sciences |
Schlüsselbegriffe: | military classes body composition physical fitness Beep test |
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe: | 2024 |
Seitenanzahl: | 17 (17-33) |
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