Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI
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Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 9, No. 1/2015
Effects of Yellow-Tinted Lenses on Visual Attributes Related to Sports Activities and Daily Life in Late Middle-aged Adults

Autoren: Kazuhiro Aoki
School of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University, Inzai, Chiba, Japan

Yoshimitsu Kohmura
School of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University, Inzai, Chiba, Japan

Shigeki Murakami
School of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University, Inzai, Chiba, Japan ; Murakami Eye Clinic, Kumamoto, Japan

Yuki Someya
School of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University, Inzai, Chiba, Japan
Schlüsselbegriffe: low-contrast visual acuity contrast sensitivity dynamic visual acuity hand–eye coordination sports
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2015
Seitenanzahl:10 (27-36)


The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of colored lenses on the visual performance of middle-aged people. The subjects were 19 middle-aged people with a mean age of 57.4 ±6.0 years. Five different functional lenses were used in the experiments: colorless lenses and four colored lenses (Light-yellow, Dark-yellow, Light-gray, and Dark-gray). Using each lens type, contrast sensitivity, depth perception, hand–eye coordination, dynamic visual acuity, and visual acuity/low-contrast visual acuity were measured. Visual acuity/low-contrast visual acuity was measured under the four conditions of Evening, Evening + Glare, Day, and Day + Glare. Results showed that dynamic visual acuity and depth perception did not differ among the lens types, but hand–eye coordination measurements had a significantly shorter time with the Light-yellow and Dark-yellow lenses than the Dark-gray lenses. Low-contrast visual acuity under Evening and Evening + Glare conditions tended to be lower with the Dark lenses than the Colorless and Light-yellow lenses. The subjects rated the Yellow lenses as bright in a subjective questionnaire evaluation.



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