Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI
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Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 1, No. 1/2013
Guidelines for the use of physical activity in children with type I diabetes

Autoren: Monika Niewiadomska
Department of Physical Education and Health Promotion, University of Szczecin, Poland

Mariya Radziyevska
Higher Education and Therapy School in Poznan, Szczecin, Department in Szczecin, Poland; Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management. Chair of the Public Health, Czestochowa, Poland

Pavlo Radziyevsky
Higher Education and Therapy School in Poznan, Szczecin, Department in Szczecin, Poland; Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management. Chair of the Public Health, Czestochowa, Poland
Schlüsselbegriffe: insulin physical exercise type 1 diabetes
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2013
Seitenanzahl:6 (47-52)


Type 1 diabetes is a metabolic disorder whose treatment depends not only on the administration of insulin and diabetic control,but also on properly applied physical activity to improve insulin sensitivity and thus the patient’s condition. In order to fulfill this role,physical exercise must be systematic and properly administered. An adequate intensity depends on the physical fitness level of thepatient, which may be determined in a six-minute walk test. Before a training cycle, the patient should be subjected to basic clinical tests. The intensity of training may be determined by the Karvonen or Strunz formula to precisely specify the training heart rate (60–75% of maximum heart rate, depending on the condition of the indivi dual). Blood sugar levels should be measured before and after the training session, while during exercise a heart rate monitor should be used. All these measures should help prevent the occurrence of adverse effects such as hypoglycemia.



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