Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2017.2-03
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 18, No. 2/2017
Dietary Intake of Minerals in Diets of Adults Preparing for Marathon

Autoren: Agnieszka Salomon
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Dietetics, Poland

Anna Mandecka
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Dietetics, Poland

Dorota Różańska
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Dietetics, Poland

Klaudia Konikowska
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Dietetics, Poland

Aureliusz Kosendiak
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Organization and Management, Poland

Bożena Regulska-Ilow
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Dietetics, Poland
Schlüsselbegriffe: macronutrients marathon micronutrients minerals
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2017
Seitenanzahl:10 (23-32)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The aim of the study was to evaluate the mineral content in the diets of amateurs preparing for a marathon. The examined group consisted of 92 women (W), whose average age was 30.8 ±6.7 years and 66 men (M), whose average age was 33.2 ±6.6 years. The evaluation of the mineral content of the diets of the surveyed people was done using three-day dietary records which included one day of the weekend. The average daily sodium content in the diets of women was 1,952.2 ±729.2 mg, and in the diets of men it was 3,093.1 ±1,063.3 mg whereas potassium content was 3,361.6 ±798.5 mg and 3,900.3 ±982.3 mg respectively. The potassium content of less than 90% of fulfilling the norm was observed in the diets of 84.8% of women and 66.7% of men. The average content of calcium in the diets of women and men amounted to 887.5 ±278.8 mg and 1,162.6 ± 434.3 mg/day respectively. The diets of 30.4% of women and 16.7% of men had insufficient calcium content as compared to the norms. The average daily phosphorus and magnesium content was significantly higher in men than in women (1,374.6 ±348.6 vs 1,823.5 ±473.0 mg and 373.4 ±107.1 vs 423.6 ±108.8 mg). Magnesium intake was insufficient in the diets of 14.1% of women and 28.8% of men. The average daily content of iron, zinc and copper in the group of women was: 12.1 mg, 10.1 mg and 1.4 mg, while in the diets of men respectively 14.8 mg, 13.5 mg and 1.5 mg. The highest percentage of diets not fulfilling the norm was found for calcium and potassium in women, and potassium and magnesium for men.



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