Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Lista wydań / Vol. 4, No. 4/2013

Rok wydania:2013

Spis Treści / Artykuły / Rozdziały

# Tytuł Liczba stron Autorzy Akcje

The effects of a 10-week step aerobics training on VO 2 max, isometric strength, and body composition of young women

7 (3-9) Izabela Drobnik-Kozakiewicz, Anna Kwitniewska, Michał Sawczyn, Anna Szumilewicz, Aleksandra Zarębska Więcej

Sociopolitical aspects of the work of physical education teachers in the West Pomerania in the years 1945–1950

7 (11-17) Ryszard Stefanik Więcej

The Differences in Results of Preliminary Selection in Team Sports as the Premise to Define a Profile of a “Young Football Player”

10 (19-28) Radosław Sroka, Jožef Štihec Więcej

The Study of Health Behaviors of Children as the Basis for the Development of Health Education Programs in Rural Areas

10 (29-38) Katarzyna Sygit Więcej

Posture defects of students in grades 1–4 of music oriented classes in Primary School Complex no. 2 in Szczecin

13 (39-51) Krzysztof Wilk Więcej

Identifying talented handball players – the possibilities of examining the players by means of speed-force and coordination tests

10 (53-62) Michał Spieszny, Mariusz Sumara, Mateusz Zubik Więcej