European Journal of Service Management

Vorher: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Service Management

ISSN: 2450-8535     eISSN: 2451-2729    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/ejsm.2018.26-05
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 26, 2/2018
Fitness market in Poland and its determinants

Autoren: Krzysztof Cieślikowski

Joanna Kantyka
Schlüsselbegriffe: sport management fitness market marketing
Veröffentlichungsdatum der gesamten Ausgabe:2018
Seitenanzahl:8 (37-44)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The aim of the article is to identify the key factors of the development of the fitness services market in Poland, taking into account the social and economic functions of the entities operating on this market. Authors were used the methods of observation and analysis, with dates and statistics from secondary sources from the world and Poland, as well as the results of the authors’ own research published in other reports. The paper is listing a broad spectrum of factors influencing the development of the fitness services market, assigned to 4 groups: political and legal, economic, social, technical and technological (PEST). In summary, Authors ware pointed out that the results are related with general megatrends of the world economy as well as the specifics of the development of the Polish economy and other areas of social life for last few years. Research and inference focuses on the analysis of the overall sport activity Polish residents, the popularity of sports, the role of selected fitness clubs and operators in the development of this market. Managers of many companies operating on the market can use described in the paper examples of fitness operators in Poland. This article is a kind of review and at the same time a presentation of a concept of development of fitness services in the contemporary Polish economy.
