Z dala od egocentrycznej metropolii. Obraz prowincji w filmie

ISBN: 978-83-7972-621-9    ISBN (online): 978-83-7972-623-3 OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Wieśniak i Kobieta z miasta: opozycja prowincja – metropolia w amerykańskich filmach Friedricha Wilhelma Murnaua

Autorzy: Tomasz Kłys ORCID
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Słowa kluczowe: F.W. Murnau W. Fox Wschód słońca City Girl wieśniak kobieta z miasta prowincja metropolia
Data publikacji całości:2023-08-21
Liczba stron:25 (11-35)


In two American films of F.W. Murnau takes place full of tension encounter between country man and city woman. His presence in the city and her stay in the country reveal the divergencies of ethics and axiology in the province and metropolis. At first glance modern metropolis and urban vamp in Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) seem to be marked unequivocally negatively, signifying disappearance of family and marriage ties, contingency of sexual relations and anonymity of life in mass society, in contradiction to sustaining of family bonds and human solidarity in small provincial communities. In the second film, City Girl (1930), the valuation seems to be the opposite: its title heroine represents hard work, openness, adaptability to the quite different conditions of life when the farmers’ milieu in the country reveals its intolerance, prejudices and xenophobia. On closer scutiny, however, state of things becomes more complicated, and both films do not longer seem to be unequivocally antinomic to each other.
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