
dawna literatura i kultura

ISSN: 2449-7339    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/me.2015.3-03
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  CEEOL

Issue archive / nr 2 (3) 2015
Penelopea Jana Achacego Kmity wobec Listu 1 św. Hieronima ze Strydonu oraz Zuzanny Jana Kochanowskiego
(Jan Achacy Kmita’s “Penelopea” in relation to St. Jerome of Stridon’s “Letter 1” and the poem “Susanna” of Jan Kochanowski)

Authors: Karolina Wójciga
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Keywords: Jan Achacy Kmita exemplum biblical paraphrase “Susanna” Jan Kochanowski St. Jerome of Stridon “Penelopea”
Whole issue publication date:2015
Page range:13 (43-55)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The paper focuses on the poem “Penelopea or the innocence of the strangely wonderful maidensev’n times tortured. Previously by Jerome the saint, now by Jan Achacy Kmita described”(Penelopea abo niewinność dziwnie cudownej niewiasty siedm razy ciętej. Przedtym przez Hieronimaświętego, a teraz przez Jana Achacego Kmitę opisana) by Jan Achacy Kmita (ca. 1560 –ca. 1628). The 1610 text is a poetic paraphrase of “Letter 1” by St. Jerome of Stridon. This paperpresents the methods of Kmita’s translation and situates “Penelopea” in relation to “Susanna” byJan Kochanowski. The translator has particularly accentuated the drama of the plot (characterisedby the presence of numerous expressivisms), locating the macabre episodes in a small-townscenery. Both “Susanna” and “Penelopea” can be described as poetic exempla, however Kmita’sepyllion is devoid of topics of providence and divine justice, unlike Kochanowski’s text. Kmitafocuses on the epic hic et nunc, the symptoms of wonder, marvel, and cruelty, and draws fromthem a parenetic conclusion of persistance in suffering.
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