Uniwersytety na rubieżach - Konteksty semantyczne, historyczne, naukowe i edukacyjne

ISBN: 978-83-7972-559-5    ISBN (online): 978-83-7972-560-1    ISSN: 2083-4381    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / T. 4
The path towards establishing the University of Opole

Authors: Eleonora Sapia-Drewniak ORCID
University of Opole
Keywords: the University of Opole the Higher School of Pedagogy local community initiatives political background cultural background
Whole issue publication date:2022
Page range:11 (357-367)


The goal of this paper is to present the difficult path towards establishing a university in Opole. In 1994 the University was established through merging the contemporary Higher School of Pedagogy with the Opole branch of the Catholic University of Lublin. The efforts regarding transforming the HSP into a university took more than 20 years. Particular involvement in the matter was displayed by the employees of the institution, the Bishop of Opole and the administrative authorities of the voivodeship. The University created actual opportunity oft aking up university-level studies by the local youth on site, without the need for moving out to another region. The attempt has been made on the basis of the available monographs, studies and archival materials at reconstructing the path the consecutive Rector authorities had been taking since 1970 until the establishment of the University of Opole by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on the 10th of March 1994.
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