Studia Językoznawcze

synchroniczne i diachroniczne aspekty badań polszczyzny

ISSN: 1730-4180     eISSN: 2353-3161    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sj.2017.16-10
CC BY-SA   Open Access   ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / t. 16, 2017
Pismo Święte wybrane z ksiąg Starego i Nowego Zakonu… Klementyny z Tańskich Hoffmanowej – uwagi językoznawcy
(The Holy Scripture selected from the Books of the Old and New Testament… by Klementyna Hoffmanowa born Tańska: Remarks of a linguist)

Authors: Dorota Kozaryn
Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Wydział Filologiczny, Szczecin
Keywords: historic Polish language biblical translation idiolect of Klementyna Hoffmanowa born Tańska
Whole issue publication date:2017
Page range:12 (163-174)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The article presents the comparison of the fragments of the Old Testament translated by Jakub Wujek and those elaborated by Klementyna Hoffmanowa born Tańska, published in her work The Holy Scripture selected from the Books of the Old and New Testament, furnished with the comments of the pious scholars and offered to the Polish mothers and children (1846). The performed analysis has demonstrated that the modifications introduced into the biblical text by Hoffmanowa, including the shifts in the sequence of verses, grammatical and lexical changes, condensations and omissions, as well as various additions prove that the work is a paraphrase and not a translation. The work by Hoffmanowa presents the biblical content in a way that made it accessible to the 19th century readers, especially the female readers, who wished to know it, understand it, infer from it, and live according to it.
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