Analiza i Egzystencja

ISSN: 1734-9923     eISSN: 2300-7621    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/aie.2021.54-02

Issue archive / 54 (2021)
Assensum in mente prophetae: William of Ockham and Walter Chatton on Prophecies

Authors: Roberto Limonta ORCID
Università degli studi di Bologna

Riccardo Fedriga ORCID
Università degli studi di Bologna
Keywords: Chatton Ockham Prophecies Externalism Internalism Future Contingents Assensum Divine Foreknowledge
Data publikacji całości:2021-07
Page range:24 (57-80)
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The subject of this article is the intertwining between Walter Chatton and William of Ockham’s theories about the cognitive nature of prophetic statements, a topic in the theological debate of the early 14th century. Starting from recent interpretations of Chatton and Ockham’s cognitive theory in terms of the distinction between externalism and internalism, and from a reading of some sources where the topic of prophecy is crucial (for Chatton: Reportatio Super Sententias, I, dd. 38-39, the less investigated d. 41 and Quodlibeta, qq. 26-29; for Ockham: Tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia Dei respectu futurorum contingentium, q.1 and Quodlibeta, q. 4) we apply the externalism/internalism distinction to the case study of prophetic statements. Starting from epistemological questions about prophecies, future contingents and divine foreknowledge, we’ll show the outcomes as pragmatic rules of this kind of statements in both conceptual frameworks analyzed.
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