
Result: Found records: 4.
# Article title Issue no. Year
1. Poezja na kształt ciała (i na odwrót)
(Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media)
nr 1 (4) 2015 2015 Go to
2. Lautes lesen – Intonationsübungen für polnische Germanistikstudenten
(Annales Neophilologiarum)
9 (2015) 2015 Go to
3. Cykanie i poetyka (Białoszewski – Sommer)
(Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media)
nr 1 (16) 2021 2021 Go to
4. The Effect of Different Types of Warm-Up Protocols on the Range of Motion and on Motor Abilities of Rhythmic Gymnastics Athletes and Ballet Dancers
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 42, No. 2/2023 2023 Go to