
Result: Found records: 4.
# Article title Issue no. Year
1. Strategia koopetycji w aspekcie rozwoju ekoturystyki (studium przypadku – Euroregion Pomerania)
(Europa Regionum)
t. 24 2015 2015 Go to
2. Istota ekologicznych rozwiązań transportowych w obiektach turystycznych Polski i Unii Europejskiej
(Europa Regionum)
t. 24 2015 2015 Go to
3. The economic dimension of the impact of sector exclusions for the processes of shaping the structure and the amount of communication compensations granted by the insurance companies in Poland and the European Union
(European Journal of Service Management)
Vol. 19, 3/2016 2016 Go to
4. The Economic Dimension of the Influence of Sectoral Exemptions on the Dynamics of the Differentiation of the Prices of Original Spare Parts for Engine Vehicles in Poland
(Problemy Transportu i Logistyki)
nr 2 (38) 2017 2017 Go to