Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 46, No. 2/2024

# Titel Seitenanzahl Autoren Aktivitäten

Table of contents

1 (3-3) --- mehr

Polish Physical Culture in Germany and the German Minority's Physical Culture in Poland until 1939 – A Comparative Study

12 (5-16) Tomasz Jurek, Renata Urban mehr

Somatics and Physical Fitness of Selected Military Classes

17 (17-33) Marian Rzepko, Adam Kozubal, Paweł Ostrowski, Zbigniew Trębacz, Waldemar Tłuczek, Łukasz Chlastawa, Sławomir Drozd mehr

Kinematic Differences in the Roundhouse Kick among University Taekwondo Players: Brief Report

9 (35-43) Raúl Josue Nájera-Longoria, Omar Ricardo Ortiz-Gómez, Samuel Alfredo Islas-Guerra, Arturo Iván Chávez-Erives, Arturo Martínez-Trevizo, Víctor Hugo López-Trujillo, Mario Armando Amorós Gómez mehr

Effect of Supervised Physical Exercise on Oxidative Stress in Children with Autism

7 (45-51) Mehrzad Moghadasi, Hamid Arvin, Hassan Rohbanfard, Saeed Arsham, Alireza Ostovar mehr

Changes in the Morphological Development of Youth aged 16-18 from Eastern Poland in the Years 2006 - 2016 – 2021

11 (53-63) Agnieszka Wasiluk, Jerzy Saczuk mehr

Physical Education Teachers as Adults Trainers and their Perceptions of their Evaluation on Vocational Education and Training

15 (65-79) Andreas Stafylidis, Antonios Vantarakis, Charalampos Stafylidis, Ioanna Karagkiozi, Savvas Stafylidis mehr

Prevalence of Orthorexia Nervosa in a Sample of Rock and Sport Climbers

8 (81-88) Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski, Mateusz Gutek mehr

The Effects of Training with Additional Weight Shorts on Physical Performance of Adolescent Soccer Players

13 (89-101) Efthimios Bogiatzidis, Ioannis Ispyrlidis, Vassilios Gourgoulis, Aikaterini Bogiatzidou, Ilias Smilios mehr

Influence of Live High Train High on Physiological Training Adaptations and Athletic Performance in Trained Runners: An Observational Cohort Case Study

13 (103-115) Surojit Sarkar, Sreejita Dutta, Subhra Chatterjee, Kamlesh Tiwana, Sanjay Saraswat mehr

Evidence for the Psychometric Properties of Component Test Items in the Eurofit Test Battery administered to Elite Schoolboy Rugby Union Players: A Test-retest Reliability Study

14 (117-130) Tafadzwa Mupondi, Tonderai Washington Shumba, Christiane Von Der Heiden, Farirai Kamba, Matthew Chiwaridzo mehr