Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Issue archive / Vol. 44, No. 4/2023

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Table of Contents/Articles/Chapters

# Title Page range Authors Actions

Table of contents

1 (3-3) --- More

Changes in body posture parameters: a four-year follow-up study

10 (5-14) Marta Łabęcka More

Combined effects of caffeine and aerobic exercise on leptin levels and some indices of insulin resistance in diabetics

12 (15-26) Akram Amaghani, Bahram Jamali Gharakhanlou, Ali Zarghami Khamneh, Nima Radkhah More

Effects of Sensomotor Communication System Based Exercises on Static Balance and Self-esteem in 7-12 Years Old Karate Pupils

11 (27-37) Tarass Ivaščenko, Jeļizaveta Ivaščenko More

Mental State and Motivation to Physical Exercise in University Students during COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland

15 (39-53) Jarosław Muracki, Maria Zadarko-Domaradzka, Emilian Zadarko, Małgorzata Smoter, Ana Filipa Silva, Ewa Kruszyńska More

Effects of Integrated Therapeutic Exercises on Pain and Disability in Medial Knee Osteoarthritis

8 (55-62) Sumit Raghav, Anshika Singh, Suresh Mani, Anirudh Srivastava, Mukul Kumar More

Assessment of Change of Direction and Agility. Running and Dribbling among Soccer, Basketball and Handball Players: The Concept of “Agility deficit”

15 (63-77) Evangelos Bekris, Aristotelis Gioldasis, Emmanouil Zacharakis, Konstantinos Noutsos, Panagiotis Meletakos, Athanasia Smirniotou More

The shape of the sagittal curvatures of the spine in a high-level acrobatic gymnasts – comparison by sex

16 (79-94) Ewa Polak, Adrianna Gardzińska, Katarzyna Walicka-Cupryś More

Virtual-Based Aquatic Plyometric Training: How it Effects Lower Extremity Muscle Strength?

12 (95-106) Viktor Simanjuntak, Edi Setiawan, Novi Yanti, Yudha Isnaini Lalu Moh, Mashuri Eko Winarno More