Grywalizacja w nauce programowania – platforma FGPE

ISBN: 978-83-7972-708-7    ISBN (online): 978-83-7972-709-4    ISSN: 0860-2751    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/978-83-7972-709-4
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / T. (MCCCLXXX) 1306

Year of publication:2023
Dziedzina:Dziedzina nauk społecznych
Dyscyplina:nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości
Authors: Jakub Swacha ORCID
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


Electronic version of the publication available under CC BY-SA 4.0 license after 12 months from the date of launch: April 2024


The aim of the FGPE platform is to provide necessary specifications, toolset and programming exercise base for an effective application of gamification in programming education, primarily in higher education institutions. It comprises programming exercise gamification model, gamified exercise format specification, FGPE Gamification Service capable of automatic assessment of programming exercise solutions and processing gamification rules, the FGPE AuthorKit tool for authoring and conversion of programming exercises, the gamified interactive learning environment FGPE PLE, and a collection of ready-to-use gamified programming exercises (available in English and selected other languages). All these elements are freely available in the Internet under open source licenses. This study describes the background, genesis, and architecture of this platform, and then presents its main components and basic functionality.


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