Studia Maritima

ISSN: 0137-3587     eISSN: 2353-303X    OAI
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Issue archive / Vol. 26 2013
The Baltic Sea and the Integration of the Second Republic of Poland.

Authors: Edward Włodarczyk
Whole issue publication date:2013
Page range:16 (39-54)


From the moment Poland regained her independence there existed an unambiguous political will to ascertain the access to Baltic to the newly revived nation, this despite the differences existing in the territorial concepts of the said access. The creation by numerous opinion-forming circles of sea ideology became one of the most significant element of not only the struggle for the access to the sea but also for its future use. Another important element of the Polish sea-cultivation was the construction of the Gdynia port, a basis for the development of the Polish foreign trade. Also, Gdynia’s gaining the dominant role among the ports of the south Baltic and winning the competition with the German ports claiming the right to maritime servicing of the hinterland within the bounds of the Second Republic of Poland.
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