Studia Maritima

ISSN: 0137-3587     eISSN: 2353-303X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sm.2018.31-09
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / Vol. 31 2018

Authors: Bolesław Hajduk
em. prof. Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Keywords: Dania Wolne Miasto Gdańsk Handel
Whole issue publication date:2018
Page range:18 (187-204)
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SummaryEconomic relations of Gdansk and the Kingdom of Denmark date back to the Middle Ages. Danish – Gdansk relations on economic grounds are confirmed by the sources from 1368. Significance of Gdansk for Denmark in bilateral commercial relations is proclaimed by establishing trade and diplomatic representatives by the Danish government in Gdańsk where in the period from 1656 to 1920 there were 10 of them in following ranks: residents, consular agents, vice-consuls, consuls. After excluding Gdańsk in 1920, along with a small territory from the borders of Germany and the establishment of the Free City, the full-time consuls positions were held by Bent Falkenstjerne (1921) and Harald Koch (1922–1936). Then in 1937–1945, the duties of the honorary consul were entrusted to Holger Ditlevow Schrader.The inclusion of the Free City into the customs and economic area of Poland was a factor encouraging the Danish people to take various economic initiatives on its territory. The participation of Danes and Danish capitals should be noted in the ship owners -forwarding and brokerage companies registered in Gdańsk, such as: Branch of the United Baltic Corporation (Filia Zjednoczonej Korporacji Bałtyckiej), Baltic – American Oil Importing Company Ltd. (Bałtycko-Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Importu Nafty z o.o.), Gdańsk Shipping and Trade Joint Stock Company Artus (Gdańskie Żeglugowo-Handlowe Towarzystwo Akcyjne Artus). Furthermore, the activity of Danish enterprises and Danes in the Free City area was marked by trade, combined with forwarding, among which the following companies can be mentioned: Domestic and Foreign Commissions Company Limited Filiale Danzig, Skandinwisch – Danziger Handelsgesellschaft GmbH “Skandia”, Handelsgesellschaft Skandinavia GmbH, I. P. Kraberg & Co Aktieselskab, “Danobalt” Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Rudolph Als Aktieselskab and Langelandskorn GmbH. Textile products were dealt with by “Danopol” Dänisch – Polonische Gesellschaft für Auswärtigen Handel GmbH. A well-known Danish company ’Infico’ Internationale Financierungs Compagnie Aktien – Gesellshaft, operated on the insurance market. Danes’ activity in the Free City also occurred in the field of manufacturing. In 1926–1930 a refinery operated in Gdańsk started by the Danish company Aarhus Oliefabrik AS, equipped with the most modern equipment for the production of vegetable oils, margarine and other edible fats. Mention should also be made of cooperation established in the 1930s by Gdańsk Shipyard (Stocznia Gdańska) with the Danish company Burmeister & Wain AS in the field of diesel engine construction.
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