Studia Paradyskie

ISSN: 0860-8539     eISSN: 2956-4204    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sp.2023.33-12
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 33/2023
Pomost między światem chrześcijańskim a muzułmańskim – działalność ks. doc. Jerzego Nosowskiego
(A bridge between the Christian and Muslim world - the activity of Fr. doc. Jerzy Nosowski)

Authors: Justyna Salamon ORCID
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Keywords: apologetics Christianity Islam Koran theology
Whole issue publication date:2023-12
Page range:16 (191-206)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:
Downloads ?: 204


The main aim of the article is to analyze the activities of the priest professor Jerzy Nosowski, a theologian, religious scholar, Arabist and orientalist. The time frame marks the moment of obtaining the doctoral degree in 1959 and at the same time assuming the position of an assistant at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw (currently Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University). Father Nosowski became famous as a scholar of Islam, especially as an interpreter of the provisions of the Holy Book – the Koran. He created Justyna Salamon 192 two monographs, which were the basis for the knowledge of Islam in the Polish state of the time, such as: „Theology of the Koran: a systematic lecture“ from 1970 and „Legal provisions of the Koran: a systematic lecture“ from 1971. He was also interested in Sufism. He devoted the last years of his life to the translation of the 11th-century treatise „Ar Risala Al-Qusayriyya“. The author intends to answer the following research questions: What was the significance of Father Nosowski‘s research and teaching activities? What research areas did he deal with? Was he associated with what research centers? What was the fate of Father Nosowski? The monographs, doctoral dissertation as well as numerous scientific articles in „Collectanea Theologica“ and „Studia Theologica Varsaviensia“ will be analyzed. The history of Theological Sciences during the People‘s Republic of Poland will also be taken into account.
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