Studia Paradyskie

ISSN: 0860-8539     eISSN: 2956-4204    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sp

For authors

All articles published in the journal "Studia Paradyskie" are under the CC BY-SA license, and authors retain full copyright to their articles. Each time an agreement is signed between the author and the acquirer, granting a free license to the works under the aforementioned CC BY-SA sublicense. Authors incur no fees associated with the publishing process.

When submitting a publication through the platform of the Scientific Publishing House of the University of Szczecin, authors make the following declarations (by checking the checkbox):

- that they are the authors of the submitted work, which has not been previously published anywhere;
- that they have the rightful ownership of this article and do not violate the copyright of third parties;
- they are aware of the legal responsibility for incorrect data or other harmful actions;
- I confirm that all materials used in the work that I did not personally create have been properly cited and attributed to their rightful authors, following current academic and ethical standards.

Submission of Manuscripts

The editorial team accepts electronically submitted manuscripts only. Manuscripts submitted on paper will not be reviewed or returned to authors. The text file containing attachments necessary to the manuscript (i.e., images, non-standard fonts, etc.) must be in a format that can be opened in Word. Both the content of the manuscript and the file being uploaded are to be devoid of any signs indicating their authorship—all personal data should also be deleted in the file properties. Author details of the submitted manuscript should be sent in a separate file.

In case of any technical problems with reading the files, the editors shall request the author to resend the materials or send the manuscript in another file format (e.g., LaTeX)

Files Needed for Submission

The following files shall be prepared to submit a text to Studia Paradyskie for publication: 

  • a file containing the manuscript in a Word-readable format (do not include the author’s data or suggestions in the manuscript that would indicate who the author is and remove the author’s personal data in the file properties)
  • a file containing the manuscript (as above) in a PDF
  • files with images used in the manuscript or non-standard fonts
  • a file with the manuscript’s title, author’s data, and the author’s note

File Containing the Manuscript

A file containing the manuscript should include the following information:

  • the title in Polish and English
  • the main text
  • the abstract in Polish, not less than 200 and not more than 300 words
  • the abstract in English, being a true and exact translation of the abstract in Polish
  • key words in Polish and English (4–5 words)
  • bibliography

File Containing Personal Data

The separate file with personal data should include: 

  • the manuscript’s title
  • first name, surname, the author’s scientific degree or title (state all authors indicating their contribution to the manuscript)
  • each author’s affiliation (taking into account their research institution)
  • each author’s ORCID number
  • the contact person’s email address for mailing purposes
  • brief academic details all of the authors. For example: name and surname, clerical title, academic degree or title, academic employment or functions performed, postal work address, email, phone number. Example: Jan Kowalski, Catholic Priest, PhD in Philosophy, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theology of the University of Szczecin; Address: ul. Pawła VI 2, 71-459 Szczecin; Email:
  • possible source of the research financing (e.g., grant, scholarship, etc.)

Text Standards

General rules

1. Main text: Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 spacing.
2. Footnotes: 10 point font, line spacing 1.
3. Left and right margins - 2.5 cm.
4. Option to divide words – off.
5. The last character in a sentence is a dot. Any quotation mark or footnote reference should be placed before the dot, e.g. "[...] and all residents"12.
6. Titles of books, articles and other works in the main text as well as titles of points and chapters are not written in quotation marks but in italics, e.g.: The Church undertaking interreligious dialogue in the spirit of the declaration Nostra aetate wants [...].
7. Do not use upper case letters or small capital letters.
8. The author's notes in the cited text are written in square brackets, e.g. EFPE [właśc. Franciszek Potocki], W wirze ezoteryzmu, Kraków 1923, s. 54.
9. Internal quotations are marked with «,» e.g., "[...] that the Scripture may be fulfilled: «his bones shall not be broken». Again, in another place [...]" (Jn 19: 36-37).
10. Graphic elements (e.g. photos, pictures and the like) should be prepared in the best possible way and saved in one of the following formats: *.jpg, *.eps or *.pdf. Photos – 300 dpi, (width – up to 12.5 cm, height – up to 17 cm). Illustrations, diagrams, pictures taken from the internet should not be included.
11. Getting the consent of the copyright owners and revealing the sources of the materials used in the publication lie with the authors.


1. In case that the author's thoughts are not quoted accurately, the entry in the footnote is preceded by the abbreviation "cf."
2. If one refers to some text the formula "see" is used.
3. Titles of publications are written in italics, without quotes, e.g. G.P. Monnot, Bóg i jego imiona w islamie, w: F. Lenoir, Y. Tardan-Masquelier (red.), Encyklopedia religii świata, t. 2, Warszawa 2002, s. 1325, 1497-1499.
4. Titles cited in the titles of another work are also written in italics and in quotation marks: e.g. J.M., Dyduch, Wiodące idee adhortacji apostolskiej "Familiaris consortio", [dostęp: 15.04.2016].
5. Book with one author (or book with multiple authors) is quoted as follows: W. Beinert, Teologiczna teoria poznania, Kraków 1998, s. 137.
6. Chapters/articles from the collective works are quoted as follows: S. Harasimowicz, Nowożytne korzenie ruchu New Age, w: I. Dec (red.), Złudzenia Nowej Ery. Teologowie o New Age, Wrocław 1994, s. 45, 49.
7. Journal articles are quoted as follows: R. Kranenborg, Words of the Christ Create a New World Religion, "Syzygy. Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture" 12 (1993) 1, s. 129, 133-135. Titles of (full) journals are given in regular font in quotation marks, e.g. "Ateneum Kapłańskie" (or abbreviation of the name without quotation marks, e.g. AK).
8. Encyclopaedia, lexicon and dictionary entry is quoted: P. Moskal, Wiara, in: E. Gigilewicz (ed.), Encyklopedia katolicka, t. 20, Lublin 2014, kol. 433.
9. Titles in foreign languages are quoted in the original, using the following abbreviations: Ch. White, Krishnamurti Jiddu, in: M. Eliade (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. VII, New York 1987, pp. 381-382.
10. When referring to websites the date of use of the website should also be provided, e.g. J.G. Melton, New Age Transformed, [accessed: 13.01.2011].
11. In footnotes the dignities, functions and titles of the authors are not included, e.g. priest, bishop, cardinal, father, prelate, professor, dr, SJ, OMI, OSB, etc.
12. The abbreviation of page numbers "nn" (next) is not used.
13. In church documents one refers to the point number, not to the page number.


1. The bibliography contains the publications cited in the footnotes.
2. The bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors' surnames.
3. In the case of articles from journals and chapters from collective works (including entries) the range of pages is indicated.
4. Examples:
• book: Surname N., Book title, Publisher, Place Year.
• article: Surname N., Article title, "Journal title" Number (Year), p. XX-YY.
• collective work: Surname N., Title of chapter, in: N. Surname (ed.), Title of collective work, Publisher, Place Year, p. XX-YY.


Preparations for Publication

The author receives information about qualifying the article for review from the thematic editor of the journal, Fr. Dr. Dariusz Mazurkiewicz. Scientific articles for individual issues of the journal are accepted on a continuous basis until March 31 each year.

Once the manuscript is acceptedd for publication, the working text (submitted by the author) is linguistically revised and adjusted. Next, the editorial team returns the text to the author for acceptance. The author is also provided with a set of documents (agreements, licenses, etc.) to read, sign, and return together with the revised version of the manuscript.

When the journal’s issue is edited, it is available on the e-platform of the University of Szczecin Press and issued in print. Authors are provided with one print copy of the journal’s issue containing their manuscript.