
Result: Found records: 7.
# Article title Issue no. Year
1. Effects of Yellow-Tinted Lenses on Visual Attributes Related to Sports Activities and Daily Life in Late Middle-aged Adults
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 9, No. 1/2015 2015 Go to
2. EMG parameters and kinesthetic differentiation during the free-throw of basketball players with various levels of athletic experience
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 2, No. 2/2013 2013 Go to
3. Identifying talented handball players – the possibilities of examining the players by means of speed-force and coordination tests
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 4, No. 4/2013 2013 Go to
4. Realizacja semestrów europejskich w Polsce: efekty dla koordynacji polityki gospodarczej w Unii Europejskiej
(Studia i Prace WNEiZ US)
nr 49/2 2017 2017 Go to
5. Wpływ polityki Unii Europejskiej na kierunki zmian w polskim systemie edukacji
(Finanse, Rynki Finansowe, Ubezpieczenia)
6/2016 2016 Go to
6. Czynniki utrudniające skuteczne oddziaływanie polityki fiskalnej na gospodarkę
(Studia i Prace WNEiZ US)
nr 51/3 2018 2018 Go to
7. Improvement of Student Physical State and Coordination of Movements by Means of Alish Belt Wrestling
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 26, No. 2/2019 2019 Go to