Annales Neophilologiarum

ISSN: 1734-4557     eISSN: 2353-2823    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/an
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / 11 (2017)

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Table of Contents/Articles/Chapters

# Title Page range Authors Actions

Inne strony początkowe

(Other first pages)
4 (1-4) --- More

Forming of linguistic and communicative competences in twins with delayed speech development at the age 0 to 4

16 (5-20) Magdalena Czajkowska More

Analiza porównawcza funkcji nazw własnych postaci w powieści Terry’ego Pratchetta Guards! Guards! i jej polskim tłumaczeniu Straż! Straż!

14 (21-34) Martyna Gibka More

Экспериментальное исследование содержания концептов “dance” и «танец» в английском и русском языках

(Experimental stud y of the content of the concept “dance ” and “танец” in Russian and English)
12 (35-46) Natalia Ivanova More

Acoustic analysis of three marked trills: welsh r̥ʰ, slavic rʲ and czech r̝

18 (47-64) Sylwester Jaworski More

Речевые акты как прагматические детерминанты языковой агрессии в эмоциональном шантаже

(Speech Acts as Pragmatic Determinants of Verbal Aggression in Emotional Blackmail)
11 (65-75) Katarzyna Kondzioła-Pich More

Englisches wortgut im deutschen medizinischen Fachwortschatz der zeitschriften

(English vocabulary in German medical terminology of the journals)
16 (77-92) Ewa Maria Majewska More

Optimality-theoretic approach to the syllable in Lardil

10 (93-102) Tomasz Obiała More

Лексические источники паремиологической деривации. На материале паремийных неологизмов в современных польском и русском языках – к постановке вопроса

(Lexical sources of the paremiological derivation. Based on the data on paremiological neologisms in the modern Russian and Polish languages – formulation of the problem)
10 (103-112) Jakub Olas More

Le rôle de la conception du métalangage sémantique naturel dans la didactique des langues : résultats de la recherche

(The Role of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage Approach From The Perspective of Foreign Language Pedagogy: Study Results)
14 (113-126) Wioletta A. Piegzik More

The specificity of literary proper names: harry potter in translation into polish and russian

16 (127-142) Konrad Rachut More

Формирование и развитие дефиниции термина «слово» в русском языкознании

(Formation and Development of the Definition of the Term Word in the Russian Lingustics)
12 (143-154) Sergei Ivanovich Shcherbina More

« Une Nuit » d’Elie Wiesel – un exemple de la narration de guerre dans la littérature française au regard de la psychologie culturelle de Jérôme Bruner

(A night by Elie Wiesel as an example of war narrative in French literature with regard to Jérôme Bruner’s cultural psychology)
11 (155-165) Beata Kędzia-Klebeko More