Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2021.1-01
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Issue archive / Vol. 33, No. 1/2021
Validity of an Inertial Measurement Unit System to Assess Lower-limb Kinematics during a Maximal Linear Deceleration

Authors: Alastair R. Jordan
School of Science Technology and Health, York St John University, Haxby Road Sports Park, York, YO31 8TA, United Kingdom

Howie J. Carson ORCID
Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences, Moray House School of Education and Sport, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Brett Wilkie
School of Science Technology and Health, York St John University, Haxby Road Sports Park, York, YO31 8TA, United Kingdom

Damian J. Harper
Institute of Coaching and Performance, School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom
Keywords: biomechanics braking IMU stopping Xsens
Whole issue publication date:2021
Page range:12 (5-16)
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This study examined the validity of an inertial measurement unit system for measuring lower-limb joint kinematics during linear decelerations. A male team athlete (age 36 years, stature 1.75 m, mass 80.0 kg) performed multiple linear decelerations, following 20 m runs at 50%, 75% and 100% self-perceived effort. Inertial measurement unit sensors were strapped to lower-limb segments and retroreflective markers were adhered to the lower-limbs for 3D optical motion analysis. Ground contact time, foot to centre of mass displacement (foot-COM), peak and minimum angle, mean angular velocity and range of motion at the ankle, knee and hip during the contact phases of each deceleration were determined. Measures were valid if a very large correlation (r ≥ 0.7) and small bias (effect size < 0.6) were evident. Following 50% effort, ground contact time, foot-COM and most hip and knee kinematics were valid. Ground contact time, foot-COM and knee flexion velocity and range of motion were valid following 75% efforts. Ground contact time and knee flexion velocity were valid following 100% effort. Therefore, the inertial measurement unit system tested can be used to assess temporal-spatial parameters during a deceleration regardless of the preceding effort, and hip and knee kinematics following low intensity running.
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