Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2021.1-10
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Issue archive / Vol. 33, No. 1/2021
Sports in the Province of Volhynia as Presented in the “Ziemia Wołyńska” Magazine (1928-1932)

Authors: Teresa Drozdek-Małolepsza ORCID
Jan Długosz University, Częstochowa, Poland
Keywords: sports the province of Volhynia “Ziemia Wołyńska” magazine
Whole issue publication date:2021
Page range:11 (105-115)
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The purpose of this paper is to present sports in the province of Volhynia as presented in the “Ziemia Wołyńska” [The Land of Volhynia] magazine. The magazine, published in the years 1928-1932 dealt with the economic, social, cultural and educational issues of the province of Volhynia. The magazine also published articles, materials and reports on sports in Volhynia. The published articles dealt with conditions of sports activities. In this regard, the training of sports instructors was organized, as well as the condition of the sports infrastructure was improved. An important factor in the development of sports was the establishment of regional sports associations at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s. There were the following sports disciplines practised in sports societies and clubs: motorsports, boxing, horse riding, cycling, athletics, motorcycling, football, shooting, water sports, winter sports. The Volhynian sportsmen did not achieve any spectacular sports successes in the national arena in the discussed period.
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3.Ziemia Wołyńska (1928), 3, 2–3.
4.Ziemia Wołyńska (1928), 5, 5.
5.Ziemia Wołyńska (1928), 13, 11.
6.Ziemia Wołyńska (1928), 18, 5.
7.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 10, 5.
8.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 11, 6.
9.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 18, 3–4.
10.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 20, 6.
11.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 23, 7.
12.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 28, 7.
13.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 29, 8.
14.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 35, 7.
15.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 36, 9.
16.Ziemia Wołyńska (1929), 46, 9.
17.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 19, 8.
18.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 21, 7.
19.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 22, 2–3, 6–7.
20.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 23, 7.
21.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 24, 3–4.
22.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 26, 3.
23.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 27, 6.
24.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 42, 4–5.
25.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 43, 8.
26.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 48, 6–7.
27.Ziemia Wołyńska (1930), 52, 6.
28.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 11, 8.
29.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 13, 5.
30.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 15, 6–7.
31.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 18, 6.
32.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 22, 2.
33.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 25, 6–7.
34.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 28, 8.
35.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 37, 7.
36.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 40, 7.
37.Ziemia Wołyńska (1931), 48, 6.
38.Ziemia Wołyńska (1932), 9, 3.
39.Ziemia Wołyńska (1932), 10, 4–5.
40.Ziemia Wołyńska (1932), 11, 5.
41.Ziemia Wołyńska (1932), 15, 3.
42.Ziemia Wołyńska (1932), 21, 3.
43.Ziemia Wołyńska (1932), 22, 4.
44.Ziemia Wołyńska (1932), 36, 3.